To configuring the jibri recording server from below easy steps Note: Please put the more focus on highlighted line and words : Pre-requisite for jibri recording server : OS-VM: Ubuntu 16.04 VMs on your cloud server (Azure,GC,AWS,Vultr, digitalOcean). CPU: 2.0 RAM: 4 GB SSD or HDD :20 GB Update the Ubuntu package sudo -s apt update Allow to require ports ufw status => “Active or inactive does not matter” ufw allow ssh ufw allow 80/tcp ufw allow 443/tcp ufw allow 10000:60000/tcp ufw allow 10000:60000/udp ufw allow 5222 ufw allow 5347 netstat -tunlp // list out the all open ports Installing kernel modules apt -y install linux-image-extra-virtual uname -a Note : After uname -a command there are two possibilities A and B ....